IR Manager
- Job Description
- Attending the weekly meetings with the vice president
- Persistent communication with the IR partners
- Building up new IR partners
- Continuous involvement in EXPA
- Support to create essential IR materials
- Provide the necessary trainings and materials to the members
- Bring up innovative project ideas to attract IR partners
Team Leaders
iGTa Team Leader/iGTe Team Leader
- Job Description
- Attending all the weekly meetings with the Vice President
- Filling the trackers & Active participation
- Doing the market research and creating new strategies to improve Leads
- Providing effective member training on Functional Knowledge & Communication tips
- Making Reports on each GT product and informing Vp about the progress of the team
- Arrange physical and virtual meetups with the entire team
- Meet KPIs and Mos with team
- Participating in all meetings with the VP (For IR meetings and B2B Meetings)
- Be sure to coordinate all members and guide them to their tasks and complete all tasks on time
- Organizing Events synergizing with MKT,B2B TLS & other managers